Date a Guy Who Smokes Pot

  1. pot smoker      A Pot Smoker will never fight with you

He will be calm and composed – whether it’s a spider in the corner or the Apocalypse – nothing can truly wipe that blissful, glazed expression on his face. Shit that most people fuss about don’t really matter to him. There is always the risk that your birthday might be forgotten, but what’s a birthday in the otherwise vast ocean of the time you spend together?

You will often find him smiling, or humming, or airguitaring – always composed.

2.     He will talk to you

Most guys won’t talk to you. They don’t like it. Most of the time they are either pretending to be interested, or biding their time by passing your time.

But a pot smoker? Hehe. He will sit with you and talk through the night. Superheroes, music, your evil boss, world peace, Shaktimaan – there is absolutely nothing that he will not be willing to talk about. Since pot smokers undoubtedly have the most interesting social circles, he will enrich your life with little stories and wonderful anecdotes.

He will also listen to you. No matter what you’re talking about, you have his undivided, unadulterated attention. He will ask you questions and suggest solutions. He will hold your hand and talk through the night, watching the silver clouds pass through twinkling stars. And then end the night with some hot action in the sack.

3. He is liberal

Let’s face it. Most Indian dudes are as liberal as your great grandfather. They’ll wear cool clothes and hang out at cool places. But somewhere deep within, there is a Khap Panchayat inside every Indian man.

Not with pot smokers, though. Years of existing in the periphery, and all the counterculture associated with pot, will result in him being a liberal, progressive person. He believes in Live and Let Live. He can’t help it – his idols are Bob Marley and John Lennon.

4. He will do anything for you

I don’t mean jump off a building or starve himself for you. He won’t do dumb shit like that.

All you need to do is smile at him after a joint and say, ‘Sweetheart, could you clean the room a bit?’ He will get down on his knees and do it four hours, stopping only when Hussain Kuwajerwala Kapoor storms into your house with a Harpic bottle.

He will cheerfully go shopping with you, waiting for hours, waiting outside the trial room and smiling at the floor. And he won’t even complain – he’s having fun!

5.     He will not judge

Probably due to the fact that general society treats a pot smoker with the social capital reserved for a rickshaw puller, a pot smoker will never judge you for anything – he’s just not wired that way.

Whatever clothes you’re wearing, or if you’re lying spread-eagled on the floor after your fifth beer, or if you say that Modi is good for nothing – a pot smoker will never judge you.

6.     He will eat anything you cook

Most Indian guys will grumble and fuss over food. Years of partaking of Calorie Extravaganzas off momma’s hands has spoiled them. They will complain, and expect you to cook, and the food to be good.

A pot smoker don’t give no fuck. He will eat anything. Burnt maggi, undercooked curries, chips with jam, it makes no difference. He will eat it all. And then ask for more with a smile.

I could go on and on. But I assume the point has been conveyed to the other side. Pot smokers are fun. They generally have interests in art, music, and culture. You should date a Pot Smoker.

And then marry him and have lots of pot smoking kids.


31 thoughts on “Date a Guy Who Smokes Pot

    1. I don’t think you understand this blog. If you now feel the need to know, just read the name of the blog, out loud. If you still don’t get it, then you are lurking around the wrong part of the web.

      This is exactly why you need to be around a guy who smokes pot.

      PS: I had an impulse to flame you out, but then I got high 🙂


  1. Dude I have been following your blog for quite sometime now, but this is definitely the best (after Buffalo may be)

    “He will be waiting outside the trial room and smiling at the floor. And he won’t even complain – he’s having fun!” – Love this.

    Only “A Guy who Smokes Pot” can understand 🙂


    1. I am not sure it does. But it helps you take humour as it is. Without analysing too much. Also, if you read between the lines, you will find a high level of stereotyping about guys who smoke pot also.

      Chill, my friend. Puff, puff, pass.


      1. Ah, trust me, one can take humour, what gets one a bit annoyed, high or not, are tired stereotypes masking it! Chill, this is just an observation, especially since you don’t come across at all as someone who generally indulges in ‘let us gents have some cheap laughs’ kind of guy.

        PS: plus you sure know your pot.


  2. Well u definitely got all the points right!!and yes all u girls out there its true!i have dated both the “kind of guys” and trust me its exactly the same..But it doesnt just limit to a relationship! i know a few who are just awesome with writing after smoking, or maybe a better dancer, for that m,atter a better public speaker!!! yes u read it right!! and u mr.writer- u have certainly got me hooked to ur writing style..looking forward to read many many more articles 🙂 Peace !!


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