Yada Yadahi Trollasya…

I’ll be honest with you, I hadn’t planned to write a blog on the Rahul Gandhi interview.

But like a wise one man once said, ‘Do not be afraid to take to battle, o warrior! There come moments in life, when you need to rise to the occasion and be an opportunistic bastard.’

I knelt down on one knee, folded my hands, and bent my head.




So it has happened.

A 500 crore marketing blitzkrieg, in the final lap of the race, to jazz up the image of the prodigal son. And what a salmagundi of goof-ups it has been!

Firstly, let’s spare a minute of silence for the Creative team. The guys who came up with the poster and the tagline for Rahul Gandhi’s campaign. In one single masterstroke, they lifted the line from the Archenemy’s own campaign.

‘Very daring,’ Inspector Jai Dixit would say. But those of us with a higher IQ will agree it wasn’t the smartest thing to do. One would also assume that the entire Creative team was fired after the goof-up.

who got fired




Overall, I think there was a fundamental flaw in placing the interview with Arnab Goswami. Why would you choose Arnab Goswami? It’s like N. Srinivasan getting his son to debut for the Indian Cricket Team. In Sydney. Facing Mitchell Johnson.

Even though Arnab did not stand up, pull his hair out, and start throwing chairs, he is still Arnab Goswami. One can take the Goswami out of the Arnab, but one can’t take the Arnab out of the Goswami.

After that totally meaningless statement, let me add that the other thing about Rahul Gandhi, and there is no subtle way to put it, is that he is seen more or less as an embarrassment.

Which is where Modi scores over him. In a major way. People are proud of being Modi fans. They will tattoo his name in unmentionable places and get their hair cut, and distribute chai on a Monday morning, and share links on Facebook.

But in most urban spaces, you wouldn’t find a youngster wearing a ‘I ā¤ Rahul’ T-shirt. For all the money being pumped into the campaign, an interview with Arnab isn’t enough to make RaGa ‘cool’. It’s almost embarrassing to say that one is a Rahul Gandhi fan.

social ladder of embarassment




Enough has been said about the contents of the interview. About Rahul repeating the same points over and over again, irrespective of the question being asked to him. I shall not waste any of your time on harping on the same point over and over again.

What baffles me however, is what really was done to jazz up his image? While Rahul is a joke in urban and internet spaces, the real deciders of the elections – the rural areas – still look at him as a scion of the Gandhi family. Was anything done to jazz up his image in rural areas? May be they have a picture of him pumping a tubewell in a green, grassy field. Or may be a picture of him seated on the floor, assembling a computer – part by part.

‘Cos you know, ‘the system needs to be opened up.’

One will never understand the ways of the Congress. One could also attribute it karma delivering a gigantic bitch slap on the party’s face. All the crores and crores of corruption, coming back to bite them, in the form of a PR agency that siphoned away 500 crores in return for crap publicity work.

One will never know.


As a final message to the Congress, I have this suggestion.

Do not waste your money on PR agencies. Whoever did your PR for you did a terrible job. Even a Personal Interview trainer in IIPM will tell you that you mustn’t slouch in an interview. Or look down, sideways, and upwards when you are being spoken to. Or that you mustn’t call Ashok Chavan as Ashok Kumar. Thank God he didn’t call Mamta Banerjee as Mamta Kulkarni, or she would have asked Bengalis not to inhale Oxygen, in protest.

What you need to do, dear Congress Party, is get in touch with me.

I promise to charge a grand total of 1 crore.

No big deal. Three weeks – 1 crore. I have an intensive plan to brush him up, keep him war-ready for the coming elections. A rough draft of the plan is placed herewith below, for your kind perusal.

1. Morning (After Breakfast) – Brief history of India, aside from the immense contributions of the Gandhi family.

2. Afternoon (Post Lunch) – GK Refresher, quick quiz on facts and figures. (Since Sir might feel sleepy after lunch, this session will be light and peppy. Like Mandira Bedi’s commentary).

3. Evening (Post Tea) – Public Speaking, Personal Interview, Body Language

4. Night (Post Dinner) – How to Piss Off Arnab Goswami


That is all that is needed, dear Congress party. Sign me up for it, and save yourself a few crores, and a truckload of embarassment.

It will change my life.

Or Rahul Gandhi’s.

11 thoughts on “Yada Yadahi Trollasya…

  1. well written with catchy humour to light up my morning…hope to see more such interviews of Rahul , sorry for the loss of ur phone to see his interview, was privileged to see the full interview twice, best comic interview, wonder how Arnab controlled his laughter..his stuttering fumbling response most of the time, even to answer his educational qualifications portrays him unfit as PM or else the whole world will have a big laughter show even for his international interviews or UN speech. Guess a good coaching session as you suggested can revamp his image and credibility for his aspiring post.


  2. If I share this, would you take me in as your Associate assistant? I don’t mind a few 2 digit lakhs in my account šŸ™‚
    The way things are going, Congress would have to jump on anything that promises to impress them a few seats, apart from buying them offcourse.


  3. Nice piece Heartranjan! As always, I truly enjoyed reading your post. It is sad to see Rahul Gandhi bumble his way through an interview like that. Why is it sad? This is the next generation of our country’s most recognizable family. The same family that has lead our country for over 90% of the time since independence. Now don’t get me wrong, i don’t believe in nepotism, but for a country like ours with such a inane lust for soap-opera dynasty, the Gandhian legacy is going to be one that will be hard to forget. And it’s a shame that Rahul Gandhi will be the chapter of the story that I will live to see. But i do wonder if there is a point that we are missing. Rahul Gandhi is only one of the many figureheads of the old, crumbling behemoth that is the congress party. The BJP is riding on a wave of anti-congress and Modi-fication; development, industrialization and all that jazz, which to me is a byword for corruption. Most people are easily swayed by the capitalistic, saffron-tinged, dictatorial charm of Mr. Modi and his colleagues, and while I am sure that we will have a BJP run central government, I’m not sure they would retain that position beyond a single term. The Aam Aadmi Party is just now entering the political game and will be tried and tested before long. I do hope that they would succeed, but it is an uphill task. They are the outsiders in all respects, hopefully they can do a decent job in Delhi to warrant some more time at the political table.
    The congress is still the party to beat. Delhi is not representative of the nation, and i believe that their history and legacy dictates much more respect across the country than easily understood. Rahul Gandhi may be in politics only because of his surname, but lets not forget that this is a man in touch with the elite India that dominates the political, economic and policy spheres of this country. The Doon school, Stephen’s college, Harvard University, Wall Street types, (and aren’t there a lot of them now?) do control most things in this country, in spite of efforts from outside of this select group. He is their poster boy; well-educated (although that’s debatable now), hard-working, and most importantly rich and powerful. He is the heir to the Gandhi and Congress throne, and no matter how many bad interviews or failed elections, that will never change. So don’t dismiss him just yet; he needs time but one day he will be the leader of this country. I’m not sure why or how that will happen, but I have a feeling.


  4. hilarious!!! Your plan is as good as any and if you are indeed taking associates count me in as well…. “karma delivering a gigantic bitch slap” Lol!!! Reminded of what Dr. Subramanyam Swamy said about RG “Yoh tho bhudhu hai”.
    Reminds me of the master card ad: 500 cr on PR agency, the best in the business racking their brain for you, prime time slot on national television, yet RG make a complete ass of himself – there are some things money cant buy, for everything else there are swiss bank accounts!!!
    But you are right about one thing… rural india still does not grasp the full nature of his buffoonery!!! May be this is one of those times when “ignorance is bliss”. But Rahul baba being who he is will go to the “fundamental” layer, enlighten and “empower” them for sure because hey they have a “Right to Information” as well…


  5. One can take the Goswami out of the Arnab, but one canā€™t take the Arnab out of the Goswami.

    You call this masterpiece of a sentence a ‘meaningless’ sentence?! Blasphemy!! Utter and cruel blasphemy!

    I don’t want to burst your bubble, but I don’t think your coaching plan would fetch home the gravy. There is something called ‘Trainability’. Wimpy, mommy’s boys don’t have a trace of it. Not a trace I tell you. And I should know, I make my bread training people. (Also butter sometimes and jam fewer times.) Tsk, you are a bad influence on me. I’m already trying to copy you. Shiv, Shiv..!!

    Thank you for the share Rachna. This was an amazingly hilarious read.

    Why on earth did I never find this blog before?! There seems conspiracy afoot! Don’t tell me there isn’t! I have a nose for such things. šŸ˜


  6. So a few years back, after being fed up with ‘The Great Indian Laughter Challenge’, I had a Deewar moment with God and I prayed that this country needed a better class of comedy.

    And jab Bhagwan juch detha hai, woh chappar phadke detha hai…

    Thank u God for Rahul Gandhi.



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      On 8 April 2014 02:47, Heartranjan's Blog wrote:



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