Unconditional love. Unadulterated bullshit

I think unconditional love is a myth.Love is about laying down conditions and adhering to those conditions.All the examples of unconditional love that we hear of are untrue,and whats sickening about them is that they are often exalted as the most pure,unpolluted form of love.
Say,for instance ,the love of a parent for a kid.That’s supposedly unconditional.Its as if being a mother automatically makes you a sublime and noble creature by default.But why ? The same with being a dad.But don’t parents ‘expect’ you to behave like they want ? Don’t most parents want you to take care of them when they are old ? Its this hypocrisy associated with parents in our country that I cannot stand.
The love between two people. I could write entire books about that. A girl is expected by the guy to be eternally beautiful,perfect to a ‘T’. She’s to be cultured,the epitome of all virtues in the world, and yeah, a virgin. Its not the girl you are in love with but what you want her to be.Its the same with the guys. A guy is expected to be chauvinistic,and doting. He is to be her ‘Man Friday’, ready to be at her beck and call. And they tarnish the word by saying that they are in ‘love’ with each other.
I was lucky to be in a relationship with a girl who was none of the above. She was caring, but not because she felt obligated to do so. She could lead her life by her own but was more than happy to have me by her side. She required no one in her life and yet she made me feel like the happiest guy in the world.

The only unconditional love that I think exists, is the relation that we share with our pets. I do not understand when people say “My pet is amazing. She can sense when I am feeling low”. She can’t. But she loves you all the same. But we are so caught up in our own worlds, our own segregation of everything into good and bad, into right and wrong, high and low, that we fail to realise their importance when we are happy.

Love is the largest franchise in the world. People sell their ideas of love , and we foolishly but it, taking their word for what it is supposed to be like. Unconditional love, I repeat, is an Utopian myth.

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