How to Sound Intellectual Even if You don’t know Shit

Tired of being considered shallow and immature in front of your intellectual friends? Embarassed when they are discussing something called the ‘epicentre of power’ and you think they are talking about Shaktimaan? Had enough of coughing, going to the toilet, and changing the topic uncomfortably when something serious is being discussed?

Well, you need worry no more.

Ladies and Gentlemen, we present you with the ultimate guide to the social ladder. Remember, good looking guys will one day grow old and farty, but Salman Rushdie still has a killer girlfriend. Need I say more to stress on the importance of seeming intelligent and knowledgable?

Given below are handy tips that you can use to seem intelligent and mature. Care must be taken to avoid overuse, as it might backfire badly, and you might end up looking like a clown. So exercise restraint, and carefully adopt the given specifications one at a time. There’s lot of time (Rushdie is 64, no hurry, man!).

                                                                     GETTING THE RIGHT LOOK

You cannot sound intellectual if you don’t look intellectual. There are a few useful tips that can transform you instantly from ‘N Sync fan to practising Communist.

Get Thick Rimmed Glasses: Thick rimmed glasses might seem odd to look at on your face in the beginning. In fact, you will look like the geeky loser in a 90s Bollywood college romance. But a thick rimmed glass goes a long way in establishing that you are an intellectual. Care must be taken to get one without any bling. If Armani is written on it, it is a lost cause.

Act Like You Don’t Care About Your Attire: Intellectuals do not have time to bother about things like fashion, clothes and accessories. So make sure you carefully master the art of dressing carelessly. Tear off a bit of the new kurta, spill some ink on the sleeve, and dip your fingers in a bowl of paint for about 15 minutes before you leave the room.

Don’t Shave: What’s common to the people below?

Isn’t it weird? They all have a beard!

Apart from being the most intelligent men of their times, who changed the fortunes of the world with their wisdom, they all also had beards. So even if it doesn’t suit you, grow a beard. Avoid temptation to trim it with an electronic trimmer. A little care and discretion would give you the perfect ‘non-shaving, kurta wearing’ intellectual. Throw in a jhola on your shoulders if you want some change.


Now comes the tough part – sounding and conversing like an intellectual. This requires diligence and practice, but you can master the art eventually by following the following tips:

Say ‘Depends’: Whenever you are asked a question, and you don’t know what to say, just shrug and say, “Well, that depends on a lot of factors…”

Saying ‘Depends’ shows that you are willing to consider a lot of aspects. However, you should be careful not to list out what those factors are. Intellectual people do not disclose their intellect till they are pressurised to. So just say ‘Depends’ and look away.

  1. Use a lot of ‘ist’: Almost every word can be made into an ‘ist’. For eg: “Hey, that’s such a statist remark!” or “How can you be a realist when this is such a racist environment?” Every ‘ism’ can be made into an ‘ist’. Also, if someone apologises, he is an apologist, if he works on a machine, call him a machinist, if he believes in fate, he is a fatalist, and if he roams about naked, he is a naturist.

3. Use the PESC Formula: If you are running out of new angles to give to a discussion, follow the simple PESC formula. The PESC formula says that any discussion can be analysed by talking about the Political, Economic, Social, and Cultural impact on the people. And this works better if you fuse two terms – socio-cultural, politico-economical, socio-economic, and eco-cultural.

These phrases make you sound even more intelligent than you aren’t. So, if you have been sitting around warming the bench, shrug your shoulders and say, “Depends. On a lot of socio-cultural and politico-economical realisms that the world faces.” Bingo!

4. Quote Marx: Most intellectuals are leftist. They swear by Marx. In such a crowd, if you say, “Hey, have you checked out the latest iPhone app for Angry Birds?’, you will have to suffer through social leprosy. So make sure you have equipped yourself with a good number of Marx quotes, which you can get off the net. Be careful to drop them at the opportune moment.

However, you should be careful to quote Karl Marx, and not Groucho Marx, as it can have the opposite effect on your socio-intellectual standing (notice the fusing of two words??

5. Smile: You remember those Idea ads with Abhishek Bachhan? Remember those moments of pure awesomeness when Abhishek Bachan is looking at the person in front of him, and dishes out a smirk and says “Get Idea”? That’s the smile I am talking about.

The Idea 3G ‘I’m awesome and you know it’ smile

When you don’t know how to counter the stance of the person in front of you, just smile. It drives them mad. While the other person is frantically explaining his stance, just look at him, smile, and shake your head from one side to the other. This shows that you know what the person is going to say and are smiling at his ignorance. Some other smiles that you could use are the following smiles.

The Kevin Spacey ‘I don’t give a fuck’ smile
The Morpheus ‘Do you know what the Matrix is?’ smile
The SRK ‘I look like a moron, but I’m cute’ smile

6. The Intellectual Emergency Exit: If nothing else works out, use the Fire Escape. Wait for the person to make a point. Pause. Take a deep breath, and say, “Well, if that’s the way you are looking at things, there isn’t any point in talking, is there?” Then stand up, dust your hands, and walk off.

Don’t turn back, for the people are still staring at you with their mouths open, aghast at your biting intellect. Find another group, and use the same techniques all over again.

Remember, intellectuals don’t do different shit. They do the same shit differently.

137 thoughts on “How to Sound Intellectual Even if You don’t know Shit

  1. Visited your blog after a long time. [I’m the savita bhabhi admirer if you remember :P]

    You have maintained the consistency of awesomeness. Hilarious post…..


    1. Oh yes, I remember. Its not everyday that one is compared to dear young Savita. Thank you so much. Keep reading. And if you subscribe, you can get emails whenever I post. Could save you some internet usage bytes too! 😀


  2. Made my day!!! Simply superb!!
    (Didn’t make me smile, i fact it made me LAUGH out LOUD—that too not caring whether I am intelligent or dumb)


  3. Epic article! Although I would like to “intellectually” point out that you could have made the article a little longer and thus added more tricks. Good writing though! kudos


    1. my friend,why do u need to sound like Him? Socrates never tried sounding like anybody else. . He read,observed and talked his mind.


  4. Well, it depends on how skewed your socio-politico perspective is…hmm…(rubbing my thick rimmed glasses against my kurta after intellectually holding my beard for approx. 2 seconds)

    P.S. Hilarious, Good stuff 😀


  5. Most intellectuals are leftists ?
    Hey, that’s such a stereotypist remark!
    It actually depends on your definition of an intellectual,(especially considering their impact on some of the socio-cultural , politico-economical fake-isms that have made history).
    ‘If anything is certain, it is that I myself am not a Marxist.’ – Karl Marx himself. Does this mean he is not an intellectual?
    His very beard is living proof staring at you in the face.
    *the morphues smile*
    A child of five would understand this. Send someone to fetch a child of five! (oh wait…wrong marx…shit)


  6. this is indeed well written yet i am unsure whether to condemn this offensive to us intellectual people or to admire the research done,,( stands up and walks away like he just doesn’t give a shit )


  7. Serious problem- can’t grow a beard..(sexist idea that was huh!) will a fake one do? Can’t wear glasses either..eyes too pretty for glasses duh! And don’t you dare tell a decent girl to tear off her kurti you sexist rapist..oooi ma!!


      1. so what u r saying is that girls are pretentious feminists? seriously? so who are the real feminists? men?which ones? the perverts that molest 2 year olds or the sleazy uncles that grope and grab and pinch on the streets? or the youngsters that pass lewd comments just for the fun of it?


        1. ^^^^^ this is hilarious. what a feminist shit of bringing non related point on a blog for fun. I mean why get so bitchy and bragg about the article written for the pure entertainment because women cant grow beard. On the height of stupidity writing about a 2 yr old being raped by some lunatic and so how all the men in the world are evil and should be hanged(women you are taking your bitchiness out at a wrong place for the wrong reason).


    1. I just said that girls can pretend to be a feminist to seem intellectual. It cannot be deduced from it that girls are always pretentious feminists. You read too much in between the lines.
      Thats another way of being an intellectual – make random deductions to arrive at irrelevant conclusions.
      Kudos Madame curie.


      1. Dude, that’s the gender card, every woman loves playing when there is almost nothing else to say and guess what you can never counter that, since they have the fundamental argument, which is “you can never know how it feels like coz you haven’t been born as one”!


    2. You didn’t get it…one needs to sound like an intellectual to get girls..girls don’t have to be intellectual to get boys


  8. Brilliant I couldn’t stop laughing. Another very cool strategy to seem intelligent is question the very basis of the argument. For eg- when someone says popular fiction is stupid.
    Just look at him in the eye and say “who defines what is stupid?” This works for everything (almost) “Who defines what is stupid/right/wrong/pervasive/ethically correct. Just throw in any word !


    1. It’s called Deconstruction. Jacques Derrida was one of its leading lights (a French philospher). Not sure if he wore a kurta though. He didn’t know what he missed out on in life.


  9. funny piece…but if a moron really tries this, he will not be included in his moron club,for geeky intellectuals will know who is who before someone opens their mouth 😀


  10. And the absolute gold mine that works every single time is what we call “STO” which is short for Stating the Obvious. When faced with an absolute shortage of anything meaningful to say just state the obvious. The crowd will have to agree with you, simply cuz its so obvious. And once they’ve gone over agreeing with you so many times eventually their brains start to affirm that you just seem to know everything. Works like magic every single time.

    Examples of stating the obvious would be when in a sales meeting you say something as emphatically as you can like “Guys, we need to improve sales!”, in a hospital “Guys we need to save him!”, on a battlefield “Guys, we need to win this battle!”. Always keep it short. Don’t ever mention how or why you will actually go about achieving the obvious and keep your statements as vague and devoid of absolute numbers as you can!


  11. No its not. Its just a pathetic attempt to keep the masses at bay from actually participating in social politics. Just admit it .It is not cool to be either dumb or pseudo intellectual.


  12. coming form Calcutta I can totally appreciate this.. I also happen to be a Marx Bros fan and i think anyone who doesn’t think he’s intellectual is well.. pretty much revealing their intellect

    ive got some rules too – talk about European and Russian cinema , you forgot the biggest thing – pretend like you understand PostModernism – so use the folloing words and you’ll have them floored – epistemology, ontology, hermeneutics and deconstruction – fuck Frued and Jung speak about Lacan – gosh those French wankers

    quote Eliot

    you must understand Evolution and more importantly Quantum MEchanics – string theory basics

    drop Art movements in speech – it was a Post expressionistic work with the signs of early Dada no?

    know your Wines!! know the right adjectives


  13. I’ll use this article as a checklist tool to weed out the idiosyncrasies and anomalies in the socio- culture of intellect posed by pseudo intellectuals. I’ll then have to shame such pretenders in front of the realists and the purists. As after all Marx said that the only antidote to mental suffering is physical pain. Now there doesn’t seem to be any promise left in any argument against this article is there? Well it depends. But for now I’ll just walk off


  14. This was hilarious. 😀 The Kevin Spacey ‘I don’t give a fuck’ smile and Rushdie’s killer girl friend. 😀 Thank you for making my day interesting.


  15. Some of the best businessmen who think they already have earned enough for themselves start taking stance to “socio” side rather than “political” after having contributed to “Economic” sphere . The best thing they have is a mind clearly coordinated with a sensitive heart … fortunately one such is Mr. Gates but unfortunately the number is just a few. You don’t have to talk Marks nor have to attire yourself with pseudo-intellectuality. We need to talk to ourselves through looking at the grey side of the world. and we don’t really have to do the things differently … we just need to act our own way …to let our act tell people we are not hypocrites. I solicit the mockery being made to those pseudo-intellects. If i am not a rich business man but, at worst, a jobless, can still have an idea to change and to talk to people to sharpen the idea ( not of that Bacchan’s) to act upon.


  16. I’m guessing this post was written in jest.

    Wait, does that mean it’s advocating ‘jestism’, and that the author is a ‘jestist’?

    I’m just a curious fellow…


  17. I am sold my friend. As hilarious a piece as I have ever read. May you keep on posting such write ups. Thanks and Cheers to you….


  18. “Ranga Siyaar ki pole to kabhi na kabhi khulti hi hai…..” Always be down to earth and people around you will start respecting you. Show off fetches nothing but put you in more danger.


  19. “Care must be taken to get one without any bling. If Armani is written on it, it is a lost cause.”.

    Oh my God … now you tell me!! Still, mine only say AIX, so maybe I can still get away with it.


  20. Hahahaha.. That article is shit hilarious
    I have a common hour with HEP students in my university
    (history economics political science)
    Those people start every sentence with “Well, that depends……” and end it with “Its all subjective”
    even when all you’ve asked them is “Where do you wanna go for lunch?


  21. All of you (including Mr. Heartranjan), if you want to project yourself as an intellectual, then please stop using smileys. They make your replies asnine and juvenile.


  22. Very very funny.I have seen many such bullshitters during my Carrer.Lots of noise to please the boss, you can call it “jin-chak”.
    Very hilarious, funny.keep writing!


  23. Very very funny.I have seen many such bullshitters during my career.Lots of noise to please the boss, you can call it “jin-chak”.
    Very hilarious, funny.keep writing!


  24. Now I know where from the likes of Rahul n Sonia G are getting their politico-economico-bullshit tips from… Much enjoyed and obliged, I am off to debate Diggy n Sibbal today… But then again, I won’t need these tools against them, would I..


  25. missed Machiavelli in Marx point and,….
    did you “mercifully” forget advocating people for using thy (no ‘thigh’ here), thee, and thou, followed by frequent prolonged ‘O’:) to get the extra mileage, even without meaning them actually?

    I had a similar version but it banks on our office space terminology 😀


  26. Funny Article. But, if I were to take this seriously, this is so wrong on multiple dimensions.
    First of all, no one really takes a person seriously without their past/present accomplishments. i.e, Everyone compares themselves with the person. This could result in jealousy or condescension.
    Example: Pursuit of Happyness Taxi scene. The guy did not believe that Will Smith could solve the rubik’s cube.
    Second, even if they do, just by the looks of it, only shallow people get fooled. The real guys do not get fooled. And they are the ones who ultimately matter and need to be impressed.
    This accomplishes just these things: Getting a girl friend or Getting respect among the non intellectuals (Meaning they would come and ask for help to you in case of solving problems).
    The smarts rarely have any use from the non-smarts, which is why, they do not care about what non-smarts think.
    Long story short, If a person is wicked smart, they know there is no use trying to impress others unless for a job interview / work related stuff.
    And, if a person comes across as trying to impress others, then he is non-smart.
    Your article is about the second category of people.


  27. I absolutely LOVED this post! Almost had me rolling on the floor laughing! Gosh, if I KNEW how easy it were to be an intellectual, I’d have done it a LONG time ago! Really appreciate the great tips! Now, all I need to do is upgrade my not-so-geeky-but-rather-prettyful glasses to them thick black-rimmed goggles. Yup. That’s the plan. Starting now. 😀


  28. very funny! 😀 except the “Getting the Right Look” section. =| doesnt even mention females! im wondering if this article can be called sexist :p …. it seems to assume that everyone who reads it will be a man. its the twenty first century yaar – there are a lot of women out in public life now and they’d like to know how to “Sound intellectual” too 😛


  29. Nice article. Wondering on growing a beard , that will make me look insane and nowhere close to intellect..hope it’s not a silent way of saying the female species are never intellectuals :).


  30. A mass entertainer masterpiece but not to be taken seriously. U dont wanna play with rules of nature do ya??


  31. i, kind Sire, had the opportunity of going through the mutatious puissance of your text and because, as Derrida says, there is nothing outside text, there is nothing outside it and hence, the hegemonic construct of the margin, represented from a didactic post colonial perspective, makes itself evident, like Nagarjuna’s negation, ‘in the starry dynamo of the machinery of night’. Deconstructing this, from a pure Kantian perspective, one can analyse Nietzsche’s postulations on Grotowski, as represented cinematically by Pasolini. The Sisyphean absurdity of it all, as Camus would have agreed and perhaps Sartre would have disagreed, is apparent.


  32. Brilliant article dude.. I’m a fan of and your blog is a brilliant desi version of it.. The succinct listing of points along with images with hilarious captions have resulted in you winning the internet my friend.


  33. though the application of your ideas depends on various socio-cultural aspects but it seems to me that I have nothing to argue with you when you think you can bullshit in such a realistic manner 🙂


  34. Considering the current socio-political situation in hand I would like to ask: are you mentoring our politicians?? 😛


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