Growing Up In The 90’s – COMICS

When I watched V For Vendetta, I was surprised that it was adapted from a graphic novel. While the film didn’t shake me up so much, reading the graphic novel was a different experience altogether.

It shook me and stirred me. Not so much for the content, but for the form. That a graphic novel, after all just a fancy word for a ‘comic book’, could be an experience like that. I moved on to ‘Watchmen’ and the lesser known ‘Lost Girls’, and while they were two different genres, I am still bowled over by how much a comic can do.

I started reading Asterix around Class 9. It would of course take a few more years to understand all the puns. Everytime I reread an Asterix comic, I seem to understand something which I am sure I wouldn’t have understood the last time I read it. It’s like a Treasure Hunt in a book.

Tintin was always easier on the mind. I started reading Tintin in Class 7. They were beautifully crafted and every comic took you to a different place, like a magical journey.

But of course, like Coca Cola, these were foreign imports that came into my life much later.

Because you see, comics were just things that were bought while travelling on a train.




Whenever I would leave for my boarding school, my parents would buy me a Chacha Chaudhary comic. You can snigger at the amount of respect they gave to my comic reading habit, but you wouldn’t laugh if you saw the girl who was travelling with us. Her parents always bought her the 5 Rs. ‘Wisdom’ magazine that had a picture of a creepy smiling kid on the cover.

Those Wisdom magazines, like the name, had pearls of wisdom strung together with toilet paper and terrible pictures. The entire book looked a dull maroon, and there was just too much information on it, with too few pictures. There were anecdotes, facts, information about places, every page had a quotation at the bottom of the page. I always found the magazine stifling – like an adult is trying to shove some food into your mouth. Large morsels that you couldn’t swallow and hated in the first place.

No wonder the girl next to me cried.

But my parents bought me the Chacha Chaudhary comics and sent me to the school. After I had fought off tears so that my friends did not think of me as a sissy (“Ah! There’s something in my eye, let me wash it and come.”), the time to leave would arrive.

The train would chug off from the station, and after crossing the station, would be near the smelly slum next to the station. People would be shitting behind their huts, which was right in your face. Which made looking out of the window a little difficult. So I would settle down and open the comic.

And what shitty comics they were!

You know how we romanticise nostalgia? How everything that was a part of our past is glorified as ‘Those Magical Days’ and ‘We didn’t Have Video Games, We Played Real Games’ and all that?

I think some of that is bull.

Like, for example, I am glad we have other comics now. I was glad that Big Babool came into the market, ridding us forever of those 50 paisa coins that were so bad that when our teacher told us bubble gums were made from pigs’ tails, we believed her. They had to be, they were that bad.

Similarly with the comics. The comics I used to read were terrible, and I don’t even know where to begin.

First of all, the terrible illustrations. Every Chacha Chaudhry comic would have a cover that would somehow entice you into buying it (Like Sabu hitting a cricket shot), and then you would open it to soak in the disappointment. The cover had a brief introduction about the creator – Pran – and how he had won this award from Indira Gandhi for creating this outstanding comic.

Now, I am sure as adults they saw something deep and stimulating in the comics. Because as a kid, I didn’t see shit.

The illustrations were terrible. All the people looked the same, and their arms, legs, expressions, even their bloody chins looked the same. And the hands!

Pick up any Chacha Chaudhry comic, and notice- The Hand.

The Hand Final

The Hand will be like that no matter what is the story, character, or scene in any page of the book. Character sitting on sofa? Creepy hand comes into play. Character bowling in cricket match, the hand will be there.

And it wasn’t just the illustrations, the comics screwed with my head. I remember reading them in Class 2, and feeling all warm and fuzzy when I read that Sabu is from Jupiter.

My science teacher in school, however, had other notions. She taught us how to mug up the names of nine planets so that we could vomit them in our examinations (My Very Educated Mother Just Showed Us Nine Planets). She went on to tell us that there was absolutely no life on any planet (even Jupiter). But Chacha Chaudhry comics had stories where they went to Jupiter and everyone there is a giant like Sabu. I was confused, and shocked.

Now, I understand comics are supposed to be taken with a stretch of imagination. If it was possible for a young boy to go around the world solving cases with his dog and an alcoholic sailor, why was it unbelievable that a man from Jupiter lived with a man and rid the world of evil?

I am fine with that. Its just that the comics were terribly pieces of work. Everytime I finished reading one, I would feel crestfallen. Like a crack addict who is disappointed that he fell for the temptation again.

The comics neither had a great plot, nor any interesting twists. I remember stories where Chacha Chaudhry would outwit the opponent by pointing behind him and saying “Look!”. The person would look, and Chacha would hit him on his head and take his gun*.

[* Chacha Chaudhary’s brain works faster than a computer ]

When all the while there was this giant next to him who could pick up the culprit, dip him in hot oil and eat him up.

It was just bad comics – badly written, and badly illustrated.

I read the comics for a few years. There were other characters in the Diamond Comics stable too. Billoo, Pinky (who incidentally had a comic called ‘Pinky’s Pussy’), and Agniputra Abhay. The last one about a man who had every power known to man and his friend Abhay – a man who had a talking motorcycle that he called ‘Princess’.

Yes, things were that bad.

The Experience of Reading Chacha Chaudhary

Fortunately or not, my mother had weird interpretations of the teachings of Sai Baba, whom we worshipped. She would listen to a discourse and infer that he was asking his followers not to wear jeans. In another, she inferred that comics were bad for children.

There was a blanket ban on comics. Those evil things that could encourage violence among children. Little did she know that it wouldn’t even encourage Garfield to pick it up and swat a spider with.

Comics were banned, and I could read nothing on the train. In those desperate times, I even contemplated getting a peek into ‘Wisdom’ magazines. I needed my fix, my next hit.

And then, peeping in from the darkness, came the ray of colour and shine.

Any guesses what they could be?


(To be continued)

25 thoughts on “Growing Up In The 90’s – COMICS

  1. Buddy somehow you missed Raj Comics series. Dhruv and nagaraj when phenomeneon.. but so was parmanu or bhokal.. And the witty Bankelal was indispensable those days.. even if you remember our hero suraj(oops Doga ) has inspired anurag kashyap to create a Movie. Towards the fading age of Indian comics arrived, Tiranga, Anthony, fighter toads … Not a single character I missed from the series of raj Comics.. Though graphically poor, but somehow it glued me..I was never a fan of diamond comics.. I preferred tulsi comics more then those diamond comics.. even champak was preffered over sabus muscle.. for all comics fan visit…


  2. Was the next hit Raj Comics?? Nagraj/Super Commando Dhruv/Fighter Toads? Desi versions of Spiderman/Batman/TMNT


  3. Damn sure, you are going to talk about Raj comics in the next one.They were the exact opposite of diamond comics. Too awesome!!


  4. it has to be ‘Raj Comics’ …rite…??? (if we are talkin just bout indian comics)
    but i think u r being lil bit harsh on Diamond comics…harmless time-pass for 90’s kids (5-10 yrs old)…i used to love them then i became a raj comic junkie…but calling them moronic is not cool…:)


  5. The comic verdion of ‘Anonymus’ series? I always wished that they had some colours.. but they were just balck & white 🙂

    Ok, may be you were one of those good kids.. then may be you are talking about thise ‘commando’ series.. the foreign comics about world war 2?


  6. What you said about Asterix was absolutely true, that’s exactly how I would interpret!
    Since I was young I was always asked to stay away from comics especially Indian ones, and was told to read stories instead (But I always liked Tinkle, long train journeys depended on it!). Tintin and Asterix was an exception, I started reading them quite early, even now I would gladly re-read all of it. But there are certain popular stories by Indian author which are being re-written as comics, for example, Feluda by Satyajit Ray, and more should follow. Also, I hardly see Chacha Chaudhury among kids nowadays, so I can safely assume that our future is safe!
    Oh, and my mother wouldnt let me read Archies too much. I loved it. Haha!


  7. Yes I agree with Manikantan here, it could be Amar Chitra Katha (coz of the religious content) and also maybe Chandamama.
    Heartranjan : you so aptly captured the childhood dilemma of “life or no life” on Jupiter. But the analogy – “Like a crack addict who is disappointed that he fell for the temptation again.” was most perfect! I got that feeling whenever I bought a big digest and found that 60% of the sketches/stories had already appeared in some previous digest (Mind you, this kind of story repetition is rarely seen in the Archies!)
    I loved reading these Chacha, Billu, Pinky, Raman comics (Diamond comics,btw – I even remember the jingle “Munnu padta Diamond comics, munni padti Diamond comics, majedaar hai DIAMOND COMICS!!” ).
    At an age where you think India is the only country in the world and every other place is “foreign”, these comics were our epitome of the best that there can be.


  8. For once I don’t agree at all with what you have said – I wasn’t a fan of chacha chaudhary myself – but look at the overall public and you’ll comprehend that the intellect of the comics couldn’t be a masterclass. look at the history of comics, and you’ll know that these were one of the first comics by our own Indian artists – and they were not bad for the developing society of India.

    When you start to compare the comics with the ones made in the west, remember that they had been practicing comics from much before- and hence you can see their stuff as refined art. Even the starting comics of Superman and Batman sucked ass. It is much later- in the late 80s that the concept of proper graphic novels which can bind you came into picture. Frank Miller, Allen Moore – you simply cannot compare them to anyone when it comes to graphic novels- but it is the work which had been done earlier- reading which, as children, they were able to accomplish what they have.

    Similarly, if you try reading the ramayana series by shekhar kapoor, snake woman, devi (might also be by him) – you’ll be amazed by the brilliance of these – those graphic illustrations, that ‘feel’.

    So yes, I love love Vendetta, The Dark Knight Returns, Watchmen, Death of Superman etc etc, but at the same time, nagraj, doga, super dhruva, they were not bad either. i hope you are getting the point which I am trying to put here. 🙂


  9. Though I loved reading the desi comics (including Chacha Chaudhury) I agree with your description of them… I also remember how moralizing Tinkle and Champak were… maybe they are next on your list…
    Btw no mention for Calvin and Hobbes? It def ranks right up with Asterix and Tintin!

    P.S:i have just stumbled on your blog today… happily trading my study time for it 😉 … but loved ur how to be an intellectual and uday chopra posts… You sure do know how to write!!


  10. This is the first piece ever I came across that criticised Pran’s comics! Its hard to feel that way for something that I spent my childhood enjoying.. (like you already mentioned, the ‘magical old days’)
    But have to say, I remember ‘the hand’ too!
    But I also feel, that since you didn’t feel they were “shitty”, as you say, in your childhood, it’s precisely why they are basically for children, and not adults who love to squeeze out the fun by analysing the works of art. For “Children’s” comics, I still feel they were pretty good! 🙂


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