100% Luv: Review

So we decided to push our luck by going to watch a Telugu film. The poster had no men with moustaches and no women showing their midriff, so we walked in.

Let me dive right into the story.

Balu is a topper of the college he is studying in. He is proud of the fact that he needs to study for just an hour a day but tops the exams every single time. There is a Prinicipal of the college who promises to name a new block of the college to the person who has topped the exams. This person walks into the scene after every exam and says,

“Where is the party?”

“Here is the party!!”

“Enjoy the party!!!”

Exactly the same lines, each and every time. Balu also has six-seven children in his house whom he teaches. These children are called by the ranks they score, and they wash his bike and do other such work when they are not studying.

Meanwhile, Balu’s sister in law arrives from the village. She wears those half-saree kind of dresses and hugs everyone in the house when she comes. The first thing the bubbly girl notices is a hoarding of Balu, and is a fan of his. She also happens to take admission in the same college as Balu.

Balu drops off and picks her up from college everyday. She flunks an exam and cries in the house saying she cant understand what is being taught, as its in English. Balu offers to teach her and she begins to improve. Meanwhile, a guy from the college gives the girl a love letter, which is actually a poetic tribute to her navel (Yes, you read right). Balu gets irritated and later in the night reads the letter. He notices her sleeping in the bed and goes and touches her. She catches him in the act and sparks begin to fly between them.

Meanwhile, Balu loses the first rank to Ajit, and needs to get back the first rank by hook or crook. Together with the girl, he hatches a plan so that Ajit gets distracted from studies. He and the girl study together, making use of all the time they have, in order to do ‘combined studies’.

In the final exams, Balu manages to get the first rank. Balu’s grandmother feels that she is the perfect girl for Balu and both the families agree to the relation, and they are engaged to get married.


I know. I was shocked too. Just when I thought it was one of those smart Dhobi Ghat films that did not have an interval, I felt a huge boulder fell through the roof and landed on my chest.

I will not delve into the rest of the story as there is no point. The hero of the film (Nagarjuna’s son) cannot act to save his life. The rest of the characters are cardboard caricatures. The only bright point of the film is the heroine Tamanna. She is so pretty and so dumb, you fall in love with her.

Everything in the film is loud, from the music to the scenes. For eg, in the college canteen, there is a David Beckham hoarding for Pepsi. I am yet to see the hoarding anywhere else in India.

I wonder why the film was made in the first place. Was it to launder some ill-gotten money? Boost the image of the hero??

My guess is this. The film could have been funded by pharmaceutical companies to boost the sales of aspirins and Crocins.

I certainly needed one after this film.

2 thoughts on “100% Luv: Review

  1. You saved me the honour of watching this film… and I do hope so will the regional channels… than to telecast it on tv on a sunday afternoon…


  2. this actually sounds like trash. however. there are several other good telugu movies with sub titles on youtube that you might consider watching. for starters, leader and if you actually want a rom com break bommarillu. and many more.


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