Sarmistha is probably the strongest critic of all time.She gives the term “honest opinion” a different meaning altogether.And me,with all the brainwaves I get all through the day,have faced some of the worst criticism from her.Normally,the reaction is,”How can you come up with such crap??”.Very rarely has she acknowledged a good idea.But when she does,she gives out that wide,beaming smile and says “You’ve told me.Don’t tell anyone else.What if they use it ? “

I get so carried away by such compliments that I keep on churning out crap with even more enthusiasm.But by now I kind of know the rules with her.One of the most important one is that you never tell her anything when she’s waiting for the food to arrive.She’s invariably in a foul mood,then.Always tell it to her after she’s finished with her food,and so naturally is in a nice mood.

So,the other day it had been half an hour and she was waiting for her food to arrive (and I for the volcano to erupt any moment now !!) Meekly, I said “Sarmistha,how’s this for an idea ?….” I begin to explain .Meanwhile,her food arrives.She begins to attack the food . I am busy explaining my idea.When I am done,I ask,”So…how was it ? “

Without looking up,she says “Oh…its great ! “

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