LIfe is going on….slowly,at a grinding pace.BY the way, i was reading aakash’s post,and i was really happy.i had inspired him to blog and now hes addicted to it.chalo,at least some gud things we do in life.18th was my borthday,and it was as uneventful as the rest of my days.i really should start blogging more often.but then,coming to a cafe and blogging is not a sane idea.and this bloody heat.already 22 people have died of heatstroke in the last week.summers suck !!!

One thought on “

  1. hey dude, really if you would have neva told me about this bloggin, My talent(thoda sa) would have gone waste. Actually you know what am in love, Yeah with my blog. More than half the day am thinking what will my next blog be like. & just coz of you who introduced it to me.But whateva i dont think so i can still write better than you, as you are a guy of few words, with very few words you can explain everything, which i still gottta learn. Anyways thanxx dude.


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