Childhood ………..

man,i miss my childhood.i dunno how it is with other guys,but i just hate growin up.why cant we be children forever?like that story in Pandora’s Box.That was cool.No school,no studies.only playing.i dunno if this is the hallmark of a loser,but responsibilities gimme the creeps.And imagine a country where u r forced to get married by the age of 30!!!!!!!!!!!!Hardly have u started living,they ask u to stay with 1 girl all ur life and then after 2 years,u have irritating kids who piss and crap all around u.But u have to say,”oooooohhhh,how cute they are!!!!!Pissing on my files!!!”.Man,WHat a life???????

wish everyday was like a worrries,no studies,no MBA,no placement,no world economics,no Bush screwing Saddam,no nothing.

3 thoughts on “Childhood ………..

  1. yup…i too feel and long for a “Life without pandoras box open”..!! But i alwys cherish dat that it peps me up when i am down..!! I can alwys say “ohh god i am coz of pandoras box!!” ;-);-)!!


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